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CSA Shares


Buy Now!


Already familiar with how our free-choice CSA works? Been a member before?

Skip the explanation and sign up here.

Register first, buy second.

Get yourself a share before they run out!

If you still have questions, pass this section and continue on "What is a CSA?"


Pay using Paypal or handwritten check.

Click the "Buy Now" button next to the share size of your choice,


Full Share - $515



Medium Share - $390



Small Share - $265


Checks can be made out to:

Well Fed Farmstead

and delivered or mailed to the mailbox at the farm

(located across the street from the farm stand, in front of the Quaker Meeting House)

2229 W Vine Dr.

Fort Collins, CO 80526



Lastly, we are a participating farm with the Vegetable Connection.

The Vegetable Connection works as a liaison between low-income families that financially cannot afford a CSA share and a sustainably locally grown farm that produces the CSA share; giving families the access to become members of Well Fed Farmstead or other local Fort Collins Farms.


Last year, The Vegetable Connection was able to provide 11 families a share from our farm with donations from the Fort Collins community. And that's only our farm! Several other local farms were involved as well, and many more families were fed. This program is so neat, not only providing local and nutritious food to those who want and need it, but also paying us farmers a full price for the goods we are providing.


We want to give you an opportunity to support the Vegetable Connection (and through them, further support us). Whatever you can afford would be a welcome gift that goes straight to this program, allowing more families to share in the bounty.


Here's a link that guides you straight to their donation page. If you'd like to know more, click here to read up on the Vegetable Connection and everything they do for our community,

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What is a CSA?

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a direct, food-share partnership between you and the farmer. It entails purchasing an entire season’s worth of vegetables at the beginning of the year. Purchasing a CSA share gives the customer consistent access to vegetables at a discounted price while also bringing the farmer an income at an important time of the year when cash-flow is low but they are ordering seeds, building infrastructure, and improving tools and production practices.

How does our CSA work?

Well Fed Farmstead offers a free-choice CSA program. Unlike traditional CSA models that provide a weekly box of vegetables determined for you, the free-choice CSA allows you to pick whatever vegetables you’d like, however many you’d like, whenever you’d like them. If you miss a week or are out of town, no problem. If you don’t want kale seven weeks in a row or you don’t know how to cook kohlrabi, that’s fine!

Simply put...

You purchase a share,  ----> We put that money onto a CSA debit card ----> You use the card to buy what you want, when you want ---->  We deduct it from the card.

And here's the kicker, by signing up as a CSA member and helping us out in the beginning of the season we give you an additional 9, 10, or 11% on your card. Take a look below to see our deals.

But WAIT, yet another big bonus... We provide a whole lot more than just veggies!

We stock all kinds of local goods in our farm stand, open 6 days out of the week:

Bread | Eggs | Dairy | Fruit (yes, palisade peaches) | Honey | Soaps | Farm Merch & more

You can use your CSA card to purchase all of these goods. It's almost too good to be true.

Share sizes:

Full Share: $500 + $15 administration fee = $515

Feeds a family of 4-5 (or a vegetarian/vegan couple). Equals roughly $21/week.

  • receive an additional 11% onto your card, an additional $55 in value.

Medium Share: $375 + $15 administration fee = $390

Ideal for 2-3 person households. Eqauls roughly 15.75/week

  • receive an additional 10% onto your card, an additional $38 in value.

Small Share: $250 + $15 administration fee = $265

Perfect for a 1 person household. Equals roughly $10.50/week.

  • receive an additional 9% onto your card, an additional $23 in value.

Where/when to Use Your Card:
  • At the Farm Stand: Open 6 days out of the week!

    • Sunday-Friday 9am-6pm, @ 2229 W Vine Dr.

  • At our own Friday Farmers Market:

    • Fridays 3-6pm. First pick, Food Trucks, Music, and more.

  • Saturday Farmers Market:

    • 9am-1pm. 200 W Oak st. Fort Collins, 80521

  • You will be able to pick up your card at either a Friday or Saturday Market in May. You can then use your Summer Share member card on any day between May – October of 2023 (26 weeks).

Why is there an administration fee?
  • The fee helps to cover the cost of credit card processing, as well as the back-end office work of keeping the CSA program running.
Do you work with SNAP?
  • We accept SNAP/EBT benefits to purchase your CSA Share. Additionally, for CSA members paying with an EBT card, we will match each of your payments with Double Up Food Bucks funding. That means if you select a Half Share you pay $125 and DUFB pays the rest. If you select a Full Share you pay $250 and the remainder is covered.

    • If you are interested in using your EBT card to purchase a share please email us at and include "SNAP CSA Share" in the subject line.

How do I know how much money is on my card?

  • There are a couple methods to check your CSA balance. You can ask the farm crew working at the market, or you can click here and enter your card number.

What happens if I run out of CSA Money?

  • No worries! You can add money to your CSA account whenever you run out and you'll continue to receive the same 9, 10, or 11% bonus. Simply talk to one of our crew members at a Friday or Saturday Market and they will help you out.

What if the farm is affected by a natural disaster?

  • A CSA program revolves around the concept of sharing the risk and rewards of local agriculture. Because we are located in Northern Colorado, we are prone to hail, extreme drought, and severe temperature shifts. Although we do our best to protect ourselves from these natural conditions (we grow a portion of our produce in greenhouses, we source water from natural precipitation, wells and ditches, and we have several strategies to keep our produce warm in the winter), we are not invincible. Thus, we include a "Hand of God" clause in our CSA that, if disaster should strike, our members would share the burden. If our harvest is dramatically reduced or we are unable to come to market we will deduct the amount of an average market week from everyone's Farm Cards until harvest resumes. Most years this will not even occur (in Farmer Ryan's career, it has never happened), but by purchasing a share, you're helping us focus on what we do best instead of fretting about the next tragedy. You are assisting us in running a sustainable business and we can't thank you enough.


Do I get any other perks as a member?

  • Yes! You'll receive a weekly newsletter including what's in stock, quick stories about the current farm happenings, and an occasional recipe based on the seasonal harvest. You'll also get first dibs on farm events and new farm merch.

I like the Traditional CSA Model, do you offer a weekly box?

  • We offer discounted seasonal farm bags periodically throughout the season. These bags include a variety of vegetables, curated by the farmer, and can be purchased using your CSA member card or credit/cash.

Registration and Payment

So you've decided that you want to be a CSA Member?

Please sign up first, using the registration form below.























Now that you've completed that, you can Pay using Paypal or handwritten check.

Click the "Buy Now" button next to the share size of your choice,


Full Share - $515



Medium Share - $390



Small Share - $265




Checks can be made out to:

Well Fed Farmstead

and delivered or mailed to the mailbox at the farm

(located across the street from the farm stand, in front of the Quaker Meeting House)

2229 W Vine Dr.

Fort Collins, CO 80526

Lastly, we are a participating farm with the Vegetable Connection.

The Vegetable Connection works as a liaison between low-income families that financially cannot afford a CSA share and a sustainably locally grown farm that produces the CSA share; giving families the access to become members of Well Fed Farmstead or other local Fort Collins Farms.


Last year, The Vegetable Connection was able to provide 11 families a share from our farm with donations from the Fort Collins community. And that's only our farm! Several other local farms were involved as well, and many more families were fed. This program is so neat, not only providing local and nutritious food to those who want and need it, but also paying us farmers a full price for the goods we are providing.


We want to give you an opportunity to support the Vegetable Connection (and through them, further support us). Whatever you can afford would be a welcome gift that goes straight to this program, allowing more families to share in the bounty.


Here's a link that guides you straight to their donation page. If you'd like to know more, click here to read up on the Vegetable Connection and everything they do for our community.

Questions? Email us. 


Not ready to pull the trigger yet? Enter your email address below to stay up to date on our CSA program, Friday Markets, and Farmers Markets! Just remember, the opportunity to secure a CSA share will close on April 15, 2023.

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